This racer is a clearly influenced by a mix of Segas 1986 Outrun and its 1989 sequel Turbo Outrun arcade racers (only this game has no turbo... perhaps in the third installment?)
The engine is smooth as butter, and while the default controls seem awkward at first, it isnt long before you feel right a home in it. If you still feel the need to try different control schemes, this game offers good variations.
The goal is to get past all the levels forked checkpoints and to reach one of many finish lines (depending on which route you take - as is the case in Outrun). But you are not racing alone! Your main rival keeps close by in a white Corvette (akin to Turbo Outruns white Porsche). All the while, dealing with A.I drivers who sometimes make reaching the goal challenging. Collisions with any vehicles or driving slightly off the road slows you down. Driving quickly off the road (or an unfortunate nudge from another vehicle) and into one of many side road barriers results in one of Outruns famous wipeouts (complete with car tumbling end over end and its driver and passenger falling to the ground), resulting in lost time.
All in all, if youve ever played any Outrun game, or just enjoy some good old fashioned racing with an old school vibe, you owe it to yourself to pick this game up!
nrg_alpha about Final Freeway 2R, v1.0